Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Rational beliefs bring us closer to getting good results in the real world.

I've come to realize, I'm too rational to follow my heart.
I make sense of things. I play them out in my head before I execute plans and ideas.
I remain a step ahead of everything, and with that being said.
I play my head against my heart. Simply because listening to your heart will leave you looking stupid sometimes.
I personally believe I can't go wrong if I give my brain a 65% advantage over my emotions until I'm in a situation of safety.
Then of course you have your friends telling you "noo just let go, let it blow through"
no. Thats stupid. Cause If I do it your mind knows what will happen. which may be failure.
If I do it my way I play it smart and everyones happy.
Sorry, but I trust my common sense in a world full of people who seem to lack it or ignore it.
Does that make me uptight?

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Those who are free of resentful thoughts surely find peace

..TRUEST crap in the world!

You feel much more at peace when you believe situations are REALLY going to be handled and taken care of.
You read about this stuff in books and see it in movies where souls can't continue on, or cross over because they aren't at peace with something that once was in their life.
I walked around with a slight [little itty bitty-yet- fairly larger that id like to admit] block of resentment from a previous situation that just could never sit right with me because I felt they got off too easy, or because I knew whatever it was just wasn't right.
&& as a woman, I must say our instincts are BEAST.
There were people that I was turned against, and where turned against me that caused tension when there should have been any at all.
&& now that people finally see what we saw, and what we REALLY knew. & its exposed..
suddenly . . .I feel at peace.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Dulcius ex Asperis. . .

Is Latin for "Through difficulty, more sweet" it's what I'm putting on my "abstinence" ring. I put abstinence in quotes because it's not really a word I would use to describe what the ring is exactly. Not to mention, words like abstinence and celibacy are so formal and uptight sounding to me. I was searching for something to put on the ring and when I saw that it was perfect for me. I don't want of those "true love waits" blah blah kinda rings cause that's not what my ring and decision is really about. It's more so about deserving things, and putting yourself in situations where responsibility and partnership come into play. I believe if your willing to go through the difficulty of working against biology, and putting up with me on a serious level then through difficulty you may experience something more sweet. People often allow sex to confuse their situations and its difficult to see if someone is able to stick around through long haul, teaches you other ways to show your emotions so on and so forth. It also means when the ring comes off, if ever a difficult situation was to arise, together we would be able to handle it. That's just me. So until further notice... Dulcius ex Asperis.