Saturday, February 13, 2010

I am a true alternative. And I love being the outcast. That's my role in life, to be an outcast

I'm an emotional outcast.
The way my emotions function are completely different from most females. I've always been this way and sometimes it's difficult, because I wish I had someone who I could relate to. Women are known as these emotional beings, who wear their heart on their sleeves, and do all this stereotypical ish in display of their feelings.
I don't fit that description.
I wasn't raised to where crying is acceptable. It didn't get anything accomplished. If something upset my father he G'd that ish up and handled it. Therefore, if something upsets me, I G it up and I handle it. It's all I know. I rarely cry. I don't really cry at all honestly. Especially now that I'm older.
I'm an emotional outcast.
When it comes to guys, I don't get super clingy attached and affected by everything he does. In fact, it takes a lot for me to really catch feelings for someone. I don't believe in tossing the word "like" around easily either. I don't crush a lot. I don't feel the need to always have a male in my life. When I do he's pretty free, if he says he's gonna call and he doesn't. I don't get upset. If something petty happens it's usually overlooked because it's not a big deal for me to be salty over. If I don't have a guy in my life, I'm not bitter. I'm not jealous of my friends who do either. I actually never really get lonely.
I'm an emotional outcast.
I wish I had other female friends who were like this. Sometimes I feel as though maybe somethings wrong with me. lol. No but seriously. I wonder if I'm the one thats broken because I'm not really that emotional and sensitive? Don't get me wrong, when I do develop feelings for someone they are legit and cute and wtfever the situation may be. I'm just not the way other girls are. That usual "girlie" type reaction to their emotions. It makes it hard for me in my friendships because they don't really fully understand how certain things that would CLEARLY upset them, doesn't bother me at all. It also leaves me not having anyone to talk to sometimes because they don't quite understand. && often with them, I don't understand.
I'm an emotional outcast.
Although, this does have it's "lone star" side to it. I find it also very beneficial. I'm rare. A lot of guys seem to gravitate to me, and really appreciate that I am the way that I am, they consider it a breath of fresh air after dealing with over-emotional women. This isn't always on a "tryna pursue me" type of level. At times they just want to talk and vent and make sure that as a guy they aren't the one that's in the wrong. I guess it makes me easier to talk to and be around? I'm not sure. I enjoy being alternative.
I'm an emotional outcast..& maybe thats my role.

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