Friday, February 12, 2010

Is there anyone so wise as to learn by the experience of others?

Lately, (as usual) a few of my friends have called me with their problems that they have either wanted to vent about or were seeking advice for. *deep sigh* I don't like becoming too involved in my friends situations because when they seek advice and I give it, they don't listen anyway..and it comes back to bite them in the ass. It takes a lot to not say "I told you so". I don't speak out of my ass. I don't just randomly provide advice for situations I haven't been through. Some things in life really are black & white. It takes for you to watch plenty of other people go through the same routine to understand that over & over that particular situation has & will always end the SAME WAY. When I was younger I realized that if i can be wise enough to learn from the mistakes of those around me, I'd probably save myself a lot of time, tears and money. lol. Others don't think that way. Yes, experience is the best teacher, but don't put yourself through bullshit if you don't have to. ESPECIALLY when you know when those around you are advising you correctly but you prefer to be hardheaded. In defense of those who do choose to go that route I have to say...I was allowed to make my own stupid mistakes, you should be granted that same opportunity. Naturally, I'm protective of those that I love, I don't want anyone to hurt them...but I can't give them the strength I developed from experience either. They must obtain their own...

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