Saturday, February 13, 2010

I don't believe in depriving myself of any food or being imprisoned by a diet.

I'm a little person.
Not as in a short little person.
I'm a slender lady. 
I'd take any term besides skinny / bony or frail. 
And with me being small, (genetically) I enjoy to eat. I eat a lot. I think about food a lot, and I love to cook.
but I HATE, despise & loathe..anything fat free, sugar free, reduced fat, 1% fat, 2% fat etc.
This past month I've been staying with my Grandparents until it's time for me to go home and the house is FULL of that stuff. Which is understandable, they are older people &  have to watch their sugars and fats. So when I finally got the opportunity to go food shopping for MYSELF. I only return home to discover that I have accidentally purchased Reduced fat oreos, light ice cream, & sugar free pudding.
I know it may appear as though I'm over reacting and that it's not that serious, but it is. I've never quite understood the whole "making fatty foods easier thing". I'm not saying this because I'm small and I don't understand "Bigger Struggles" I'm saying it because it's just pointless. If someone is looking to keep their fats and sugars down they shouldn't eat fatty sugary food. The End. && If they do, then go hard with that shxt. eff it. I feel if you are a person who is trying to monitor your weight and you eat healthy regularly, workout should be able to enjoy some regular damn ice cream && it won't kill you. Everyone knows this. Especially since I'm going into the field of medicine I'm aware that a cupcake won't kill you if you are serious about eating correctly in your daily routine.  NOW. when your trying to go the other way and say "your on a diet" but you just fill up your fridge with the same stuff I do..but justify it because it has "reduced fat, low sugar etc. etc" your cheating. && your pissing me off. I don't care how others balance their diets.
But I'm not on one. When I go buy ice cream, I shouldn't have to check to make sure it's regular. That shouldn't be a rare thing to find for me
Does this post make me an insensitive "Skinny Bitch"?
Do I give a fuxk?..nah not at all.

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