Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Humankind can't bare too much reality. . .

For a superior species we are scary as hell!
We are scared of everything!
We are scared of taking chances, we are afraid to miss something, we are hesitant with life because we are constantly afraid of what we THINK we can not handle.
It's horrible.
I'm in a situation now that could be settled and probably out the way if I wasn't afraid of the "what ifs.." and what I could miss if something didn't go my way...I'm afraid of what could happen if i got the results I was looking for.
We are so fearful. Two of my friends are situations where the fear of missing something / the fear of losing something is taking control of their happiness [ and their sanity on some days ]
I wish I could find a cure for this but it's a shame we don't exude our full potential and take chances the way we should simply because we are struggling to control some aspect of our reality.

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