Tuesday, December 1, 2009

I don't lose my temper very often now, and if I do, it's well deserved. . .

I hate having to show my temper.

That means don't try me. This post is inspired by someone who hasn't learned to know better just yet.
Today someone seemed to make the terrible mistake of thinking they could speak to me as if I was their child. I simply had to correct that to ensure that we don't suffer from that misunderstanding again. Did I want to go off on them in front of whomever he decided to try me in front of? NO never of course not but if you feel you can start a sentence off with me that consist of the following "DON'T YOU EVER..!." yeah thats a sign up for a pop off. I don't even think he finished his sentence before I got started. :/ I try really hard to suppress my temper because it's in my blood, and I never wanna be the one that has to put people in their place but when I do , its cause you clearly lost your mind && I simply want to help you find it. He was wrong, he knew he was wrong and you don't approach me that way, ever. My own PARENTS don't speak to me that way..you must have life confused with bullshit.

Long story short: Don't let the size fool you. Don't let my gender fool you. Don't let my sweet, kind, happy go lucky personality fool you either. Everyone has their edge. So don't push me.

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