Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Men cheat for the same reason a dog licks its balls..because they can.

Apparently, cheating has been the topic of discussion lately.
Which is kinda odd since its bundle & boo time but I guess things change.
Cheating is actually and extremely taboo subject in some ways.
Nobody wants to really admit their wrong, everyone wants to make justifications for their actions instead.
Hell I've been "cheated" on / had to share / and a bunch of wtf ever else was goin on.
In my situation if he we woulda just been real from the start where he wouldn't have to put himself, me or her in that woulda hurt but I would have gotten over it.
But Nahhhh that didn't happen.
If he would have just said "I fucked up" and left it at that.
It would have hurt, but I would have gotten over it.
But nope, cheaters don't do that. They want to lie to cover their ass. When they think one girl/guy is a loss for sure, they then try to throw him/her under the bus to make the "more willing to stay" girl/guy feel more comfortable and to try to justify their actions. They "attempt" to confess but only tell the prelude to the actual story..they just allow it to get messy when it doesn't have to be. [which goes back to my previous post about honesty] If you cheat. Just say "I fucked up, you stayin? you dippin? or do i need to prove myself?"
Because once you've been caught cheating I'm sure thats a pretty shitty situation for yourself and I don't even think it's fair to you as the cheater to have to perform circus tricks for their ass for another 5 months to "prove yourself" thats just draining. He/She knows if you are gonna take you back the following day. So don't waste time.
 This is the stuff that keeps the ecosystem on track though. You need a jackass or two to know when you see something good. :)

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