Monday, November 16, 2009

Control thy passions lest they take vengence on thee..

Crushes on friends.
May be one of the largest evils in the world.
May also be one of the most sucky situations anyone male or female could be stuck in.
You know what is like, you have that one particular homeboy/home girl that ur with all the time, you also have a cool friendship relationship with them. Then day u suddenly take one look too long at them and your caught in this world wind of confusion and suppressed emotion. We could only hope that it stops there until they come to you about people they are interested in, and you have to force that smile and still give that advice while ur heart slowly sinks into your stomach. Not to mention the wondering if it could possibly be mutual and if they are thinking the same things your thinking when you look one another in the eye. Eventually, you get to the point where it starts to bother you and frustrate you because who knows them better than you? Who gets them like you do? Who knows the REAL them the way you do? Who knows their pet peeves and preferences like you?

. . . who else would be any more perfect for them than you?. . .

Eh. Idk. Just sayin.

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