Monday, November 16, 2009

That's all drugs and alcohol do, they cut off your emotions in the end..

I get called a prude && a "goodie-two-shoes" every now and again.
I may also get that I'm "lame" and/or "wack" because I don't drink or smoke.
Personally. Its a poison in my eyes. Especially as a woman.
People ask me the grand question of why I don't drink frequently & when I say frequently I'm talking at least 4 times between Thursday-Saturday. So if you wanna know I'ma drop you the reasons and break downs here and now.
#1. Not Lady Like. Yeah, I said it. I personally [emphasis on personally] don't believe that being under the influence of any substance is lady like. Not for image purposes so much, but more so for safety reasons. Being a women your already naturally a target because we are smaller than men, we are by default more fragile and susceptible to other forms of danger. Its sad to say but we live in a world where there are people who are looking to harm you. With that being said, I'm already a target because God built me to be weaker, I'll be darned if I greater my chances because I'm drunk and/or high. With that being said I don't want to be under the influence of ANYTHING that alters or disillusions my perception, judgement or normal thought processes.
#2. I Have A Natural High. I don't need help to have fun. If anyone trys to say they don't drink to get drunk or tipsy your a damn lie because that mess does NOT taste good...! My friends drink/smoke and thats perfectly fine & I've gone to parties where everyone is drunk and/or high but me and I had as much (if not more) fun than the people who did partake.
#3. Not my thing. If you know me, you will understand that it's simply not in my character. I have a distinct enough personality to where you can tell what I would and would not go for. I've come to realize a lot of people use drugs/alcohol and a mask to their emotions sometimes. To cover up what they are going through or to party off a bad week. Thats probably nice every now & again..but it takes away your ability to handle situations yourself, with your right mind. Those who turn to these things for protection are slowly making themselves weak. Sad to say but nobody respects a weak person. [that's not why every does it..but for those who]

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