Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Good things happen when your priorites are stright..

..and mine have not been.
At all.
As much as I would like to share the blame of that with other things, I can't.
I'm too old to not accept responsibility for my actions whether its positive or negative. At the end of the day the choices I make and the importance I place on certain areas of my life effect me more than anyone else.
It's not that I've been making bad choices as far as my priorites and obligations go, it's the fact that I haven't been applying myself the way I should.
In reality I don't have the greatest support system, [it may look like it] but to be honest I don't and never have.
Over the years I've had to acquire the talent of being a self motivator and self starter. I'm still trying to master the art of pushing myself and I must admit it may be one of my weaker components.
Don't get me wrong, I'm a very goal oriented individual, I'm also very aware of the things I want and extremely meticulous about these ambitions...but I'm also human. Sometimes I need someone to whisper in my ear [you can do it] .I already now these things, but once again..I have to work on being a self starter, and practice motivating myself better. We all know when your left alone, its easy for you to take the side road every now and again because you can. I'm not saying I need my hand held but I'm saying pressing the gas for yourself and staying in your lane takes more work that one could imagine.

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